Digital – Remote Word Reading Assessment (WRA)

We have combined 2 hours worth of traditional assessment into a 5-minute online word reading test, providing assessors with an accurate score for multiple reading measurements.

Best of all it can be delivered remotely via our Dyscover platform.

Dyscover reading measurements

1 assessment, 8 reading measurements.

Reading Accuracy
The Reading Accuracy (RA) score is recorded as the educator indicates whether the student has read each word correctly during the word reading assessment or not. In every assessment, there are 48 words of between 1 and 4 syllables covering regular, irregular and pseudowords. The number of correctly read words will be shown against the total included in each category, providing the raw score.
Syllabication is where Reading Accuracy is segmented into syllables and word types and is assessed when the educator indicates whether the student has read each word correctly during the word reading assessment or not. In every assessment, there are 48 words of between 1 and 4 syllables covering regular, irregular and pseudowords. The number of correctly read syllables will be shown against the total included in each category, providing the raw score.
Phonetic Decoding Fluency
In order to assess Phonetic Decoding Fluency (PDF), the student is required to read pseudowords to assess their decoding skills in unfamiliar words. Our Dyscover platform uses pseudoword reading accuracy and the reading rate to measure the Phonetic Decoding Fluency.
Dyslexia Likelihood
Dystech has developed a scientifically proven algorithm that individually assesses the audio recording of a student reading aloud. As the student reads the words displayed on a screen in front of them, the algorithm collates and processes the information to predict the likelihood of the student being dyslexic. Our algorithm has been trained using a method called machine learning and has been mathematically developed over years of research, testing and data gathering.
Word Reading Fluency
To assess Word Reading Fluency (WRF), the student’s reading rate and their accuracy in reading regular, irregular and pseudowords are used to provide the WRF.
Sight Word Fluency
In order to assess Sight Word Fluency (SWF), the focus is on the student’s ability to read regular and irregular words. Dystech uses the number of words read accurately and the reading rate to measure the SWF.
Orthographic Mapping Speed
Orthographic Mapping Speed refers to how quickly a reader can establish the connection between the sounds of a word and the written form of that word. Faster orthographic mapping speed usually means a reader can recognise and understand words more quickly, which contributes to reading fluency.
Word Reading Speed
Word Reading Speed reflects the time it takes for a reader to read a word from start to finish. This helps to understand reading efficiency and can be particularly useful for tracking reading development. However, note that this does not reflect reading comprehension or the understanding of the meaning.