Dyslexia is a learning disorder that causes severe difficulty in reading, writing and spelling. There are different degrees of dyslexia, some of which can have more or less severe symptoms. Android has plenty of accessibility features (and support for developers to create their own) to help dyslexic users. Here is a list of 6 accessibility…
Read more about 6 Accessibility Features for Dyslexics on Android Devices
Dyslexia is a learning difference that causes difficulties with reading. Many dyslexic people are gifted in other ways. Technology like Apple can help people with dyslexia overcome some of their challenges. This article gives you 10 unique accessibility features for dyslexics on Apple devices. Spoken Content Listen along as you read or write and enhance…
Read more about 10 Accessibility Features for Dyslexics on Apple Devices
Because of modern developments, gone are the days when a disability hinders a person’s right to learn in proper settings like schools and universities. Today’s digital technology has paved the way to help struggling students — especially those suffering from Dyslexia — easily access educational materials and help them learn effectively. What does “special needs” mean? Special needs pertain…
Read more about 6 Google Chrome Extensions for Students with Special Needs