What are reading norms?
The central purpose of a score on any reading assessment is to convey information about the performance of the student. However, to efficiently evaluate a score, we need a frame of reference.
The objective of reading norms is to provide educators with a frame of reference for reading performance reports to know how a child is performing when related to other students the same age.

Dynamic norms
Dynamic norms track and report changes in student reading performance against current norms and evolve as education evolves.
Every time you run an assessment, the student data is added to our ever-growing bank of data according to age, which in turn provides up-to-date and accurate normed results.
Our Word Reading Assessment (WRA) uses norms to provide educators with helpful insights into students’ reading performance.
Why dynamic norms?
At Dystech, we believe in an ever-changing world with new technologies and the constant improvement of teaching instruction within our education system. For this reason, we use dynamic norms for the Dyscover reading assessments.
We believe dynamic norms to be a more appropriate and sustainable approach given the current state of innovation and change in education around the world.
In other words, we believe that norms collected 10 years ago are no longer relevant or accurate for reading assessments today.

Our norms in numbers.
Reading recordings
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