Rookery Road
Championing Diverse Learners
Rookery Road stands as a beacon of excellence in literacy, numeracy, and social work. Their team, carefully selected for their specialised training and collective decades of experience, is dedicated to empowering and educating a diverse range of learners, from children as young as five to adults.
Why Dystech?
Innovation as a Pathway to Empowerment
At Rookery Road, they rely on key strengths: humour, connection, and clear instruction. These tools enable them to work effectively with learners of all ages. As a leading voice in the field of Specific Learning Difficulties, Rookery Road provides support to thousands of families and students in need throughout the year.
Implementing Dystech’s innovative assessment and profiling tools has been the first step in their process, allowing them to devote more time to reading and writing interventions. This has been a game-changer in helping to maximize the learning potential of their students.