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Leeville Public School

Embracing Learning Together in a Vibrant Environment

Since its establishment in 1888, Leeville Public School has been a dynamic, small-scale learning community with a rich history of providing excellent education to all its students. Set amidst picturesque surroundings, the school fosters a familial atmosphere where students are consistently encouraged to strive for their best. The school culture embodies a commitment to self-discipline and the ethos of ‘learning together.’

Why Dystech?

Multicultural Education Enhanced by Dystech

Leeville Public School is a welcoming haven for students, families, and community members from diverse cultural backgrounds. By embracing differences and celebrating diversity, they foster an inclusive and responsive environment that benefits all students.

Their pedagogical strategies aim to nurture intercultural understanding and foster positive relationships, with literacy playing a significant role. The implementation of the Dystech assessment platform has brought about a positive shift in their approach, expanding their capacity for assessment and progress monitoring. Lesa Pierce, a Learning and Support Teacher, affirms, “Dystech is instrumental in driving specific literacy interventions.”

Leevillle Public School student writing